“The Measure of Intelligence is The Ability to Change”​ — Albert Einstein

Matthew Partridge
4 min readSep 9, 2021

We are all by-products of our parents.

I am a by-product of a father who is open minded to change and a mother who is more rigid in her demeanor.

An in-between, so to speak.

That being said, I have always been open to change while embracing and encouraging a fresher perspective in my life.

Change is and always will be good for me.

Maybe it is more of a subjective view point, but I definitely believe that change is a good thing in anybody’s life.

If I had to look back and explore my life in its entirety, I have nearly always been exposed to variances of change. That being said, there seems to be a common thread that rigidity has never truly existed in my life, and probably never will.

Something I am truly grateful for.

From a young age, I have always been so excited about everything; from moving to the other side of the world, changing schools or simply restructuring my room every couple of weeks.

Don’t get me wrong, it was all daunting. Change is scary. Very scary.

But incredibly good for you.

With this in mind, it made transitioning into new phases of my life more more malleable and enjoyable. I embraced it. Completely.

Without change we wouldn’t be pushed to our absolute limit, testing our persistence, determination and character.

Change will stretch you, bend you and twist you in ways that you never thought were possible.

Without a doubt, change has always been a real test of psychology; pushing me to explore the boundaries of my mind I have previously been too afraid to embrace.

From an emotional perspective, change has the ability to test your emotional willpower and emotional capacity. It is challenging.

Change is the truest test of character.

It has the ability to shape you, mould you and create you.

Growing up, change was always my dearest friend, but also my worst enemy.

However, looking back change always encouraged me to better myself each and everyday.

As C. JoyBell C. put it: “The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself.”

Can You Swim?

With change you either sink or swim.

You allow change to swallow you up and take you captive or you ride the waves of change and swim with the current.

This is no small feat, however, as change can pounce on you at any moment and really test your life.

We don’t always see change coming and we don’t always have the ability to prepare for change, making it an uncertain and unpredictable variable in our lives.

For the events we can foresee and prepare for, we usually cannot always predict all the variables that change brings, leaving us to prepare for the unprepared.

There are times where I am not ready for change; or so I think.

Change has tested me at times I was unwilling to be tested.

It is easy to change when you embrace it, but what if you aren’t ready?

What if the timing isn’t right? What I have learnt is that there is never a convenient time; only the right time.

We as humans tend to overlook the timing of life.

When change appeared in my life, I would often wonder “why me?” or “why now?” and question change like it was a teacher.

Ironically, change is a teacher.

However, the line of questions I asked could never be answered.

Instead of fighting change and fearing it; one needs to embrace it. One needs to understand that with every element of change is the ability to reawaken into a new path of life.

Once I understood this, I began asking different questions.

Questions such as “what is this teaching me?” or “This is for me, right now. But what am I learning?”

By changing the narrative, I changed the way I looked at change and how the relationship we both had.

Instead of friction, it become a harmonious interaction. A lesson. With the teacher and the student. I am and always will be the student. The student of life.

What is life?

My abbreviation for life is “learning is for everyone.”

Life is a course; a conglomerate of lessons for humanity. Why are we here? To live. To learn. To understand ourselves and others. To overcome change and embrace it with an open heart.

The good news about making a change and improving your intelligence about life and living it is that you don’t have to make a radical change next week or next month.

You can make small increments daily. You can start learning new habits, behaviors, and practices that can significantly improve your life over time.

Once you open up to change, embracing it completely, you will live a full life of abundance; while allowing life to flow for you and through you.

It all starts and ends with you.

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.



Matthew Partridge
Matthew Partridge

Written by Matthew Partridge

a collection of moments, thoughts, ideas and feelings

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