We Live in a Fear Based Holographic Based Reality

Matthew Partridge
5 min readSep 22, 2021

Yes, you heard me correctly.

We live in a system that is made of grid lines, not a round ball spinning in the middle of the abyss. The grid lines of this system use everybody’s energetic blueprint to create form, thus this is how we can experience and interact with objects.

A lamp for example, is simply a projection of light that has used everything around it to generate its physical form.

Think earth. Think circle. Think cube.

Think round. Think flat on all four sides. We’re boxed in. This isn’t some random spherical ball.

We live in our very own cubic system which operates on and with the consciousness within.

It’s a complex, yet beautiful system, built as a thought experiment for humanity. A simulation. A game. The dense system holds us captive, like a prison.

Like a prism, we are in our very own prison-like system, where our energy is harbored, used and harvested without our knowledge. This is what keeps the game going. We are the very source of the games existence. We choose to play.

Why is it Fear Based?

Well, it shouldn’t be.

It wasn’t designed to be fear based, but it got hijacked hundreds of years ago and suppressed to its current form.

Humanity was made so that we, the co-creators could create wonderful and beautiful things. Unfortunately, certain groups of people had other plans for us.

These groups of people understood a unique set of principles and illuminated knowledge that gave them an upper hand on the rest of humanity.

The information was suppressed so that only the chosen few could live with the knowledge of who we really are and what we are capable of.

The brain, which works in frequencies, was then manipulated to operate at a fear based frequency which generated a fear based energy and of which is used to keep the matrix system operating, successfully.

Like bees within a beehive, we can singularly generate conscious energy, but we also collectively generate energy. The hive mind of humanity has been co-creating a world that is not one in which we truly want.

A fear based holographic matrix system keeps a minority group in power, while the majority suffer. Through the use of division and functioning systems such as the educational system, television and entertainment, humanity continues to live in a trance-like state.

Unfortunately, only the illuminated and those who choose to see the system for what it is are aware of this. Those who try to help others awaken to the truth are then subjected to abuse from those who simply look, but do not see.

Everywhere you look, you are subjected to the illusion of this experience. Our existence, your life, the spinning ball in a galaxy that has never been explored. The aliens that we believe are out there but are not certain.

It’s the narrative that keeps humanity in its trance-like state. The narrative that yields profitable industries.

The entire system is broken and we have been allowing this collective mental “rape” for too long. We have all allowed this to happen through predictive programming. These movies aren’t made for our pleasure, they’re made for our acceptance and approval.

See, if you understand that our minds work in cohesion with the matrix system, then you’ll understand how powerful we are.

Our conscious and subconscious minds have the power to create, manifest and generate physical objects into existence. We have been creating the very world that the minority group wants us to create.

A world of disharmony.

A world of pain.

A world of hate.

A world of inequality.

A world of division.

And if we allow it for any longer then mark my words because it will be the very reality we live in. One we have already begun creating. One we are already passionately co-creating.

How Do We Overcome This?

We need to step up. We need to heal ourselves from within. We need to raise our own frequencies. We simply cannot operate at a lower frequency much longer. We need to get out of our own way, turn away from society and begin to learn more about ourselves, where we are and what all of this truly is.

Right now, we are all living within the 3D prison of our minds. We’ve all been there; living in hell. Shame. Guilt. Despair. Fear.

You need to forgive yourself of your past, forgive others and begin to raise your frequency. If you don’t, you’ll live in 3D forever (victim/abuser consciousness).

Begin by empowering yourself.

Work towards the life you want to live. Do you want to live with optimism, courage and pride? Do you want oneness and peace? Do you want to love yourself?

Right now, the world has been operating between 20–199 hertz. We’ve been destroying ourselves and the planet around us.

It’s time to rise. It’s time to raise. Heal from within. Let go of all the trauma you hold in your mind and in your body. Let go of the fear.

Remove the toxic people in your life. Be who you truly are. Start saying no to things you do not resonate with. Resign from the 9–5 and follow your heart.

This journey requires patience, but it is worth the pain. It is worth the long hours and the dark times. To go in and heal means to accept yourself for who you truly are. The flaws, the bad habits, the self limiting beliefs and the fear based mindset.

Once you love yourself, nothing can stop you. You become untouchable. You know yourself so well that you walk around this system like a beam of light.

The system responds.

The density around us (because of the fear based reality) keeps the system in a dense state.

The more density, the less lightness there is.

The less density, the more lightness can exist.

In other words, things that seem impossible begin to become possible. Watch the movie “jumper” and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.



Strength beyond measure.

A brain, body and soul that operate at more than than 3%.

You name it.

It sounds unbelievable, but it would be in your dense reality. Remove the density and you realize anything is possible.

You want to change the world?

Start by changing yourself.

Then you’ll see what we’re all really made of.

Raise your frequency and walk out of this hell based reality. Raise your thoughts and start to see the world for what it really is. Heal yourself and begin to heal those around you. It starts and ends with you.



Matthew Partridge
Matthew Partridge

Written by Matthew Partridge

a collection of moments, thoughts, ideas and feelings

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